Saturday, June 11, 2011

Spiced Beef

 Spiced Beef

  • 500 gr fillet of beef, cut into 2.5cm strips
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 3 star anise, ground
  • ½ tbsp ground fennel
  • 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
  • 3 cm fresh root ginger, peeled and crushed
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 tbsps oil
  • 4 spring onions, sliced
  • ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce

  1. Mix the marinade ingredients together
  2. Add the beef strips, ginger and salt, and marinade for 30 minutes
  3. Heat the oil in wok and stir-fry the onions for ±1 minute
  4. Add the beef, ground pepper and soy sauce and stir-fry for ±5 minutes.

Meat Vindaloo

 Meat Vindaloo

Grind the following 5 ingredients in a coffee grinder:
= 2 tbsps coriander seeds          = 1 tbsp cumin seeds
= 1 tbsps mustard seeds            =  8 dried red chilies
= ½ tsp fenugreek seeds

1 kg shoulder of lamb or stewing steak
4 tbsps white wine vinegar
1 tsp ground turmeric
2.5 cm cube of root ginger, peeled and finally grated
4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
5 tbsps olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
2 tsps chili powder
1 tsp paprika
1½  tsps salt or to taste
450 ml warm water
3 medium-sized potatoes
1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves

1. In a large bowl, make a thick paste out o the ground spices, by adding the vinegar.

2. Add the turmeric, ginger and garlic. Mix thoroughly.

3. Trim o excess fat from the meat and cut into 2.5cm cubes.

4. Add the meat and mix it well so that all the pieces are fully coated with the paste. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave to marinate for ±6 hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

5. Put the meat in a pan and place this over medium heat, allow the meat to heat through, stirring occasionally, this will take ±5 minutes. Cover the pan, and cook the meat in its own juice for ±20 minutes or until the liquid is reduced to a thick paste. Stir occasionally during this time to ensure that the meat does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Remove from heat and keep aside.

6. Heat the oil over medium heat and fry the onions until they are soft (±5 minutes)

7. Add the meat and fry for ±10 minutes stirring frequently.

8. Add the chili powder, paprika and salt. Stir and fry for a further 3 minutes.

9. Add the water, bring to the boil, over and simmer for ±45 minutes or until the meat is nearly tender ( beef will take longer to cook, check water level and add more water if necessary).

10. Meanwhile, peel and wash the potatoes. Cut them into ±3cm cubes. Add this to the meat and bring to the boil again. Cover the pan and simmer until the potatoes are cooked (±20 minutes)

11. Turn the vindaloo on to a serving dish and sprinkle the coriander leaves on top.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Opera Cake

   Opera Cake

Cake ingredients :

 250 gr white [of] egg
 1 / 4 tsp salt
 1 / 2 tsp emulsifer (tbm / sp)
 150 gr of sand sugar
 50 gr peanut pare, sautee, blend till smooth
 100 gr of whole-wheat [is]
 50 gr margarine, melting

Fill ingredients I:

 75 gr white butter
 20 gr margarine
 50 gr sweet heavy cream turn white
 100 gr dark cooking milk chocolate, melting
 1 / 2 tsp mocca pasta

 Fill ingredients II :

 75 gr white butter
 20 gr margarine
 50 gr sweet heavy cream turn white
 100 gr dark cooking chocolate, melting
 1 tbsp chocolate powder dissolve by 1 tbsp hot water

For Coffee (stir) :
 1 tbsp instant coffee
 1 1 / 2 tbsp of sand sugar
 150 ml boil water

Layer ingredients :
 50 ml fresh milk
 150 gr dark cooking chocolate condensed, melting
 1 tbsp margarine

1. Cake : shake to turn white the egg, salt, and emulsifer until semi flower. Add sand sugar a few/little at the same time [in] shaking until flower
2. Enhancing whole-wheat and peanut [is] at the same time swirled to [by] flatten. Add margarine melt a few/little [is]  at the same time swirled slow
3. Decant in brass 22x22x4 cm which nub with cream the margarine and pallet of bread paper
4. Oven 30 minute until cook and the colour change brown, with the temperature 180 degree celcius .
5. Cleaving cake become 4 shares
6. Substance fill the I
   shake the white butter and bland margarine until light and. Add milk. Shake to flatten. Enhancing ripe    chocolate [of]    milk and mocca pasta. Shake to flatten the
7. Substance fill the II
   Make in the same way with the ingredients I
8. Take the sheet cake, nub with cream with the condensation coffee. Nub with cream with the substance fill the I
9. Cover with the sheet cake. Nub with cream with the condensation coffee. Nub with cream with the content II. Repeat until       used up. Cover with the cake, made cool.
10.For layer : Heating fresh milk. Add condensed ripe chocolate melt. Swirl to flatten. Enhancing margarine, swirl to flatten dissolve until and jell. Nub with cream above cake, last keep in refrigerator a few moments.

Cake Opera

Bahan Cake :
250 gr putih telor
1/4 sdt garam
1/2 sdt emulsifer (TBM/SP)
150 gr gula pasir
50 gr kacang tanah kupas, sangrai, diblender halus
100 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
50 gr margarin, lelehkan

Bahan isi :
75 gr mentega putih
20 gr margarin
50 gr susu kental manis putih
100 gr coklat masak susu, lelehkan
1/2 sdt moka pasta

Bahan isi II :
75 gr mentega putih
20 gr margarin
50 gr susu kental manis putih
100 gr coklat masak pekat, lelehkan
1 sdm coklat bubuk larutkan dengan 1 sdm air panas

Bahan Larutan kopi (aduk rata) :
1 sdm kopi instan
1 1/2 sdm gula pasir
150 ml air mendidih

Bahan Olesan :
50 ml susu cair
150 gr coklat masak pekat, lelehkan
1 sdm margarin

Cara Membuat :
1. Cake : kocok putih telor, garam, dan emulsifer sampai setengah mengembang. Masukkan gula pasir sedikit-sedikit sambil di kocok sampai mengembang.
2. Tambahkan tepung terigu dan kacang tanah sambil diaduk rata. Masukkan margarin leleh sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan.
3. Tuang dalam loyang 22x22x4 cm yang dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti.
4. Oven 30 menit sampai matang, dengan suhu 180 derajat celsius
5. Belah cake jadi 4 bagian.
6. Bahan isi I:
kocok mentega putih dan margarin sampai lembut dan ringan. Masukkan susu kental manis. Kocok rata. Tambahkan coklat masak susu dan mocca pasta. Kocok rata.
7. Bahan isi II :
Buat dengan cara yang sama dengan bahan I.
8. Ambil selembar cake, oles dengan larutan kopi. Oles dengan bahan isi I.
9. Tutup dengan selembar cake. Oles dengan larutan kopi. Oles dengan isi II. Ulangi sampai habis. Tutup dengan cake, dinginkan.
10. Olesan : Panaskan susu cair. Masukkan coklat masak pekat leleh. Aduk rata. Tambahkan margarin, aduk rata sampai larut dan kental. Oles di atas cake, lalu simpan dalam lemari es beberapa saat.

Thursday, June 9, 2011



1 piece of cow tongue
Salt to taste

  1 large onion
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  1 teaspoon ground pepper
  Cinnamon 1 pm
  7 items cloves
Sweet soy sauce to taste
Roomboter for saute

1. Brush the tongue with salt, then wash.
2. Boil tongue half-baked, lift and remove the shell. Then thinly sliced ​​and boiled until soft, remove and set aside.
3. Heat roomboter, saute onion until wilted, pour broth / water, give a sweet soy sauce, nutmeg, pepper, cinnamon and cloves, then enter the tongue, and cook until the water thickens, remove from heat.
4. Pour into heat-resistant dish, bake for a while pasa time would be served, for marinade more pervasive.


1 buah lidah sapi
Garam secukupnya


 1 buah bawang Bombay besar
½ sdt bubuk pala
 1 sdt bubuk merica
 1 ptg kayu manis
 7 butir cengkeh
Kecap manis secukupnya
Roomboter secukupnya


1. Olesi lidah dengan garam, lalu cuci bersih.

2. Rebus lidah setengah matang, angkat dan kupas kulitnya. Kemudian iris tipis-tipis dan rebus lagi sampai empuk, angkat dan sisihkan.

3. Panaskan roomboter, tumis bawang Bombay hingga layu, tuangi air kaldu/air, beri kecap manis, pala, merica, kayu manis dan cengkeh, kemudian masukkan lidah, masak sampai airnya mengental, angkat.

4. Tuang kedalam pinggan tahan panas, panggang sebentar pasa saat akan dihidangkan, agar bumbunya lebih meresap.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yellow Rice (Nasi Kuning)

  Nasi Kuning

Yellow Rice

1  kg of rice, washed
200  grams of glutinous rice, washed
150  grams of turmeric, grated, squeeze the water
1  teaspoon lemon juice
2  pieces of pandan leaf
3  bay leaves
2  pieces of orange leaves
3  cm ginger, crushed
3  teaspoons salt
1  liter coconut milk
100  grams green peas
3  carrots, diced 1 cm
2  tablespoons oil
Banana leaf to the base


1. Mix the rice, glutinous rice, water, turmeric, and lemon juice, let stand for 25 minutes, set aside.

2. Heat oil, saute onion until fragrant. Boil coconut milk, pandan leaves, bay leaves, lime leaves, ginger, and salt and stir well. After boiling, put the rice and stir onion and stir until the aron. Add carrots and peas, stir, remove from heat.

3. Prepare a steamer pot, steam aron for 45 minutes until cooked, remove from heat.

4. Prepare a cone shaped mold, put the rice in a mold with compressed manner, printed on banana leaf decorated winnowing.

For 10 persons

1  kg beras, cuci bersih
200  gram beras ketan, cuci bersih
150  gram kunyit, parut, peras airnya
1  sendok teh air jeruk nipis
2  lembar daun pandan
3  lembar daun salam
2  lembar daun jeruk
3  cm jahe, memarkan
3  sendok teh garam
1  liter santan
100  gram kacang polong
3  buah wortel, potong dadu 1 cm
2 sendok makan margarin
Daun pisang untuk alas

Cara Pembuatan
1. Campur beras, beras ketan, air kunyit, dan air jeruk, diamkan selama 25 menit, sisihkan.

2. Panaskan margarin, tumis bawang bombay hingga harum. Rebus santan, daun pandan, daun salam, daun jeruk, jahe, dan garam, aduk rata. Setelah mendidih, masukkan beras dan tumisan bawang bombay, aduk rata hingga menjadi aron. Tambahkan wortel dan kacang polong, aduk rata, angkat.

3. Siapkan panci pengukus, kukus aron selama 45 menit hingga matang, angkat.

4. Siapkan cetakan tumpeng, masukkan nasi dalam cetakan dengan cara dipadatkan, cetak diatas tampah yang dihias daun pisang.

Untuk 10 orang

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Banana, Honey and Blueberry Smoothie, Added Fibre

 Banana, Honey and Blueberry Smoothie With Fibre

1 banana (large)
60 g blueberries (half punnet approx)
1/2 tablespoon Healthy Life Honey
1 cup low-fat milk (try high calcium kind)
2 tsp Healthy Life Psyllium Husks


1. Add banana, blueberries and cup of milk to your mixer/blender. Blend very well, the mixture will go a nice lavender colour.

2. Add the Psyllium Husks and honey. Blend again very well, ensuring the honey has fully dispersed through the mix.

Serve in a tall glass and drink immediately.

Banana & Cinnamon Pancakes

 Banana & Cinnamon Pancakes


270 ml milk
2 eggs
375g Natural Alternative Pancake Mix
2 medium bananas mashed
1 tablespoon of cinnamon


1. Pour Natural Alternative Pancake Mix into bowl.
2. Add milk and eggs and beat with whisk into smooth batter.
3. Stir through the mashed bananas & cinnamon.
3. Preheat frying pan and spray with vegetable oil.
4. Pour desired amount of batter into frying pan.
5. Cook over medium heat for 1-2 minutes or until golden brown.
6. Turn over and cook other side.

Serve with a drizzle of maple syrup & fresh blueberries or seasonal fruit.
Makes 10 large pancakes.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cwie Mie

 Cwie Mie 

    1 pack egg noodles, cook according to the needs and directions on the packaging, drained

Ingredients for topping:
     200 gr  Chicken breast, diced
     2 Garlic
     1 cm Ginger 

      Pepper & salt, to taste
     Oil for saute
     Cucumber pickles Ingredients:

     2 Cucumber, cut into dice
     5 Chilli approached approached compensative-green chili, cut into small pieces
     2 tbsps Vinegar cooking
     2 tblsps Sugar to taste

     Cwie noodle soup ingredients:

     400 cc chicken broth
     2 garlic
     1 cm ginger
     pepper & salt to taste
     onion oil for sauteing


2 Meatballs
4 Fried dumplings, fried, drained.
4 Wet dumpling
5 Fried onions
4 Leaf lettuce
2 Green onion, sliced

Preparation and Presentation:

1. Topping the chicken: marinate chicken pieces with
seasoning, set aside some time, saute until chicken is cooked, puree with hand blender (immersion blender), sow, set aside.
2. Pickled cucumbers: Mix all ingredients in a container of pickles, stir, store in refrigerator.
     Noodle soup: saute the
spice, add broth, bring to a boil, add meatballs, simmer again.


     Place in a bowl set noodles, pour sauce noodles, add the meatballs and complementary, eat while hot.
In Bahasa Indonesia
Bahan :
    Mie telor, masak sesuai kebutuhan dan petunjuk pada kemasan, tiriskan

    Bahan taburan ayam:
    200 gr Dada ayam, potong2 bentuk dadu
    2 Bawang putih,di geprak
    1 cm Jahe  
     Merica & garam secukupnya
    Minyak untuk menumis

Bahan Pelengkap:
    Bahan acar timun:
    2 buah Ketimun, potong bentuk dadu
    5 Cabe piri-piri sbg pengganti cabe rawit ijo, potong2
    2 sdm Cuka masak
    2 sdm Gula

    Bahan kuah cwie mie:

    kaldu ayam sbg pengganti kaldu sapi
    bawang putih, di-geprak
    merica & garam secukupnya
    minyak bawang untuk menumis

2 buah Baso sapi
4 Pangsit goreng, goreng, tiriskan.
4 Pangsit basah
Bawang goreng secukupnya
4 Daun selada
2 Daun bawang, iris

Pembuatan dan Penyajian :

    Cara Membuat:
1.    Taburan ayam: marinate potongan ayam dgn bumbu2nya, diamkan beberapa saat, tumis hingga ayam matang, haluskan dgn hand blender (immersion blender), awur2in, sisihkan.
2.    Acar timun: campur seluruh bahan acar dalam satu wadah, aduk rata, simpan dalam kulkas.
    Kuah cwie mie: tumis bumbu2, masukan kaldu, didihkan, masukan baso, didihkan kembali.

    Letakkan dalam mangkuk atur mie, tuangi kuah cwie mie, tambahkan baso dan pelengkapnya, santap selagi panas.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ice Teller

 Ice Teller (Indonesian Beverage)


    1 Avo­cado, spooned out its meat.
    1 young coconut, spooned out its meat
    5 jack­fruit fruit, sliced in small pieces
    10 grams can­died kolang kaling (or attap fruit), sliced long
    600 ml of milk
    125 g sugar
    2 pieces of pan­dan leaves
    6 tbsp coco­pan­dan syrup
    5 tbsp con­densed milk
    Shaved ice as necessary

1.   Boil coconut milk, sugar and pan­dan leaves. stir and lift
2.    Pre­pare a bowl, enter the avo­cado young coconut, jack­fruit, coconut milk and Kolang kaling
3.    Add shaved Ice coco­pan­dan syrup and sweet­ened con­densed milk .
Served cold.

Es Cendol

Es Cendol (Indonesian Beverage)

* 125 gram tepung beras
* 50 gram tepung sagu
* 75 cc air daun pandan/suji
* 450 cc air
* garam secukupnya

Bahan pelengkap:

* 200 gram gula jawa, rebus dengan 125 cc air sampai larut dan kental (sirup gula merah)
* 500 cc santan dari ½ butir kelapa, peras dengan air matang
Cara Pembuatan:
1.    Campur tepung beras dan sagu menjadi satu lalu cairkan dengan sebagian air.
2.    Didihkan sisa air dengan garam dan air daun pandan/suji.
3.    Masukkan cairan tepung ke dalam air yang sudah mendidih tadi, aduk rata, masak hingga matang dan kental.
4.    Saring adonan cendol dengan saringan cendol (berbentuk bulat-bulat pada permukaan saringannya) sambil ditekan-tekan sehingga ke luar dalam bentuk bulat pendek-pendek. Tampung cendol yang sudah disaring dalam4 baskom yang berisi air matang yang diisi es batu. Jika cendol sudah mengeras, saring, sisihkan.
5.    Cara menghidangkan: masukkan cendol ke dalam gelas, tuang sirup gula merah dan santan. Tambahkan dengan es batu atau es serut.

Untuk 4-5 gelas
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