Saturday, June 25, 2011

Melon and Apple Punch

Melon + Apple Punch


250 grams of apples, chopped
250 grams of melon, peeled, cut into pieces
200 cc of sweetened soda water
100 cc of sweetened condensed milk
150 c boiled water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
50 cc of vanilla syrup
Ice cubes to taste


1. Blend apples, melons, sweet soda water, sweetened condensed milk, boiled water, lemon juice and vanilla syrup until blended.

2. Add ice cubes and serve chilled.

Punch Apel Melon
Untuk : 4 gelas

250 gr apel, potong-potong
250 gr melon, kupas, potong-potong
200 cc air soda manis
100 cc susu kental manis
150 c air matang
1 sdm air jeruk nipis
50 cc sirop vanili
Es batu secukupnya

Cara membuat:

1. Blender apel, melon, air soda manis, susu kental manis, air matang, air jeruk nipis dan sirop vanili hingga tercampur.

2. Tambahkan es batu, sajikan dingin.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Soto Ayam TEGAL

 Soto Ayam TEGAL

2 tablespoons oil
2 stalks lemongrass
3 kaffir lime leaves
A piece of beef marrow
½ chicken (400 g)
1 liter of water
Salt, pepper to taste

5 cloves garlic
5 cm ginger
3 cm turmeric

250 g glass noodles, soaked in hot water
     2 tablespoons thinly sliced ​​green onion
     2 tablespoons thinly sliced ​​celery
     2 tablespoons fried onions
Chips and Sambal

1 carrot, diced
1 cucumber, peeled, diced
5 grains of red onion, slivered 2
Salt, sugar, vinegar to taste
sufficient water
= Stir all ingredients together, set aside some time in the refrigerator

Heat oil. Sauté the spices. Enter the lemongrass, lime leaves, after a fragrant put the chicken. Give water, marrow, salt, pepper. Cook until chicken is tender. Lift.
Fry chicken until golden. Lift. Shredded-shredded chicken meat.

How to serve:
Bowl filled with glass noodles, chicken, pour the gravy. Sow leeks, celery, fried onions. Serve with pickles.

* Sambal:
• 2 tablespoons oil
15 pieces chili stew, mashed
Salt, sugar to taste
Lime juice to taste
= Stir-fry all the ingredients until cooked


2 sendok makan minyak
2 batang serai
3 lembar daun jeruk purut
Sepotong sumsum sapi
½ ekor ayam (400 gr)
1 liter air
Garam, merica secukupnya
Minyak secukupnya

5 siung bawang putih
5 cm jahe
3 cm kunyit

250 g soun, rendam dengan air panas
    2 sdm daun bawang iris tipis
    2 sdm seledri iris tipis
    2 sdm bawang goreng
Emping dan Sambal

1 buah wortel, potong dadu
1 buah mentimun, kupas, potong dadu
5 butir bawang merah, belah 2
Garam, gula, cuka secukupnya
Air secukupnya
= Aduk semua bahan jadi satu, diamkan beberapa saat dalam lemari es

Cara membuat:
Panaskan minyak. Tumis bumbu halus. Masukkan serai, daun jeruk, setelah harum masukkan ayam. Beri air, sumsum, garam, merica. Masak sampai ayam empuk. Angkat.
Goreng ayam sampai kekuningan. Angkat. Suwir-suwir daging ayam.
Cara menyajikan:
Mangkuk diisi soun, ayam, tuangi kuah. Tabur daun bawang, seledri, bawang goreng. Sajikan dengan acar.

* Sambal:
•  2 sendok makan minyak
•15 buah cabai rawit rebus, haluskan
•Garam, gula secukupnya
•Air jeruk nipis secukupnya
•Air secukupnya
= Tumis semua bahan sampai matang

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Devil Cake

 Devil Cake


200 g margarine
150 g caster sugar
75 g dark cooking chocolate (melted)
4 egg (white)
175 gr flour (medium proteins )
1 teaspoon baking powder
25 g cocoa powder and 60 ml of warm milk, dissolve


50 ml of liquid milk
150 gr dark cooking chocolate, melted

1. Cake: Beat margarine and sugar until smooth. Enter the dark cooking chocolate melted. Beat well.

2. Add the eggs one by one part flour alternately with sifted and shaken with a flat.

3. Add the remaining flour and baking powder alternately with sifted and shaken with a solution of powdered chocolate.

4. Pour in baking pan diameter 22 cm height 4 cm it had been smeared with margarine and layered baking paper.

5. Oven for 45 minutes until cooked, with a temperature of 180 degrees centigrade.

6. Spread: Heat milk, put pieces of ripe dark chocolate. Stir until dissolved, let thick.

7. Rub the entire surface of the cake is not bearturan. Let cool.

Devil Cake

Bahan Cake:
200 gr margarine
150 gr gula pasir halus
75 gr coklat masak pekat (lelehkan)
4 butir telor
175 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
1 sdt baking powder
25 gr coklat bubuk dan 60 ml susu cair hangat, larutkan

Bahan olesan:
50 ml susu cair
150 gr coklat masak pekat, lelehkan

Cara Membuat:
1. Cake : Kocok margarin dan gula sampai lembut. Masukkan coklat masak pekat leleh. Kocok rata.

2. Tambahkan telor satu persatu bergantian dengan sebagian tepung terigu sambil diayak dan dikocok rata.

3. Masukkan sisa tepung terigu dan baking powder sambil diayak dan dikocok bergantian dengan larutan coklat bubuk.

4. Tuang di loyang diameter 22 cm tinggi 4 cm yang telah dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti.

5. Oven selama 45 menit sampai matang, dengan suhu 180 derajat celcius.

6. Olesan : Panaskan susu cair, masukkan potongan coklat masak pekat. Aduk sampai larut, biarkan kental.

7. Oles di seluruh permukaan cake secara tidak bearturan. Biarkan dingin.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chicken Puff

Chicken Puff


800 g puff pastry, ready-made
     1 whole egg, to spread

For contents:
150 g chicken fillets, chopped
    ½ teaspoon salt
     1 tablespoon margarine
     3 tablespoons onions, chopped
   75 g button mushrooms, canned, chopped
     2 tablespoons roughly chopped bell pepper
   15 gr flour
150 ml of liquid milk
    ½ slice chicken-flavored broth block, puree
     1 egg yolk, beaten


1. SKIN: Preheat oven to 180 º C. Sprinkle a flat baking sheet with water. Prepare 2 pieces 6 cm diameter circular molds & 4 cm.

2. Place the puff pastry dough on a table sprinkled with flour, roll as thick as 3 mm. Print the entire dough to mold 6 cm. put half on a baking sheet. Brush the edges with beaten egg.

3. Make a hole with a mold of 4 cm, above the rest of the dough that has been printed 6cm. The following  lift the mold and thebatter, put batter  without holes that exist on a baking sheet. Press the dough until the dough out and accumulate above the bowl-shaped hole so without. Brush top with beaten egg until blended.

4. Oven for 20 minutes until pastry puffed and lightly browned, remove from heat. Remove and set aside to cool.

5. CONTENTS: Marinate the chopped chicken with salt and set aside briefly. Heat margarine and saute onion until fragrant, put the chicken, stirring until it changes color. Enter the mushrooms and peppers, saute until wilted, put the flour, pour the milk and stir with a broth enter the block. Cook, in stir until boiling and thickened. Lower the flame, put whipped egg and stir well. Lift.

6. Enter the contents into a bowl dough puff pastry until full. Decorate top with chopped petersely.

Chicken Puff

800 gr puff pastry, siap pakai
    1 butir telor, untuk olesan

Bahan Isi:
150 gr fillet ayam, cincang
   ½ sdt garam
    1 sdm margarine
    3 sdm bawang bombay, cincang
  75 gr jamur kancing, kalengan, cincang
    2 sdm paprika cincang kasar
  15 gr tepung terigu
150 ml susu cair
   ½ potong kaldu blok rasa ayam, haluskan
    1 kuning telor, kocok lepas

1. KULIT : Panaskan oven pada suhu 180ºC. Perciki loyang datar dengan air. Siapkan 2 buah cetakan bundar diameter 6 cm & 4 cm.

2. Taruh adonan puff pastry diatas meja bertabur tepung, gilas setebal 3 mm. Cetak seluruh adonan dengan cetakan 6 cm. taruh     separuhnya diatas loyang. Olesi pinggirannya dengan telor kocok.

3. Buatlah lubang dengan cetakan 4 cm, diatas sisa adonan yang sudah tercetak 6cm. angkat cetakan berikut adonannya, taruhdiatas adonan tanpa lubang yang ada diatas loyang. Tekan adonan hingga lepas dan menumpuk diatas adonan tanpa lubang sehingga   berbentuk mangkok. Olesi atasnya dengan telor kocok hingga rata.

4. Oven selama 20 menit hingga kue mengembang dan berwarna kecoklatan, angkat. Keluarkan, sisihkan hingga dingin.

5. ISI : Lumuri ayam cincang dengan garam, sisihkan sebentar. Panaskan margarine, tumis bawang bombay sampai harum, masukkan ayam, aduk hingga berubah warna. Masukkan jamur dan paprika, tumis hingga layu, masukkan tepung, aduk sambil tuangi susu dan masukkan kaldu blok. Masak sambil di aduk-aduk sampai mendidih dan mengental. Kecilkan apinya, masukkan  telor kocok, aduk rata. Angkat.

6. Masukkan adonan isi kedalam mangkok puff pastry hingga penuh. Hias atasnya dengan petersely cincang.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Roast Chicken Hot Flavour

 Roast Chicken Hot Flavour

 1 whole chicken
500 ml coconut milk
 1 tbsp of lime
  5  leaf of daun jeruk purut
 1 lemongrass, contusing
 Salt sufficiently
 3 tbsp oil for sautee

  Smooth Spicy:
 10 shallot fang
 5 red chilli fruit
 5 kemiri, sautee
 1 cm ginger
 50 g brown sugar


 1.Marinade chicken with the lime and salt. Hush during ± 30 minute. Jab the chicken with the fork, so that time cooked [by] a flavour can diffuse into.
 2.Sautee smooth flavour with lemongrass and orange leaf till fragrance, later then include the chicken. Poke at till turn colour.
 3.Add coconut mink a few/little. Cooking until gravy jell.
 4.Prepare brass which pallet have with the aluminium foil. Placing above chicken,  later;then matured oven till at the same time nub with cream the rest of gravy sautee.

Ayam Oven bumbu pedas

     1 ekor ayam, kerat-kerat
500 ml santan sedang
     1 sdm air jeruk nipis
Garam secukupnya
     5 lembar daun jeruk purut
     1 tangkai serai, memarkan
Garam secukupnya
     3 sdm minyak untuk menumis

10 siung bawang merah
  5 buah cabai merah
  5 butir kemiri, sangrai
  1 cm jahe
50 g gula merah

1.Lumuri ayam dengan air jeruk nipis dan garam. Diamkan selama ± 30 menit. Tusuk-tusuk ayam dengan garpu, supaya waktu dimasak bumbu bisa meresap kedalam.
2.Tumis bumbu halus bersama serai dan daun jeruk hingga harum, kemudian masukkan ayam. Aduk-aduk hingga berubah warna.
3.Tambahkan santan sedikit-sedikit. Masak sampai kuah kental.
4.Siapkan loyang yang telah dialas dengan aluminium foil. Letakkan ayam di atasnya, kemudian oven hingga matang sambil diolesi sisa kuah tumisan.

1. Pilih ayam setengah tua, karena memasaknya lama, kalau ayam muda mudah hancur.
2. Gunakan api kecil saat merebus ayam, biar bumbu meresap sempurna.
3. Sering-sering keluarkan ayam untuk dioles dengan sisa kuah tumisan.
4. Sajikan dengan sambal terasi dan lalapan.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Coconut Cup Cake

Coconut Cup Cake

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 30 g sugar
  • 1 tsp emulsifer (SP / TBM)
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 / 2 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 50 g sugar
  • 50 g low protein flour
  • 50 g white glutinous rice flour
  • 15 g instant dry coconut
  • 50 g margarine, melted
  • 25 g instant coconut milk
  • 1 / 4 tsp vanilla essence
  • 5 g instant dry coconut for sprinkling
1. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and half emulsifer expands. Set aside.

2. Beat the egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until fluffy half. Add the confectioners' sugar until fluffy in small increments.

3. Mix egg yolk with whipped egg until fluffy. Add the flour and white rice flour with sifted and stirred slowly. Add the desiccated coconut instant. Stir.

4. Mix the melted margarine, coconut milk and vanilla essens a little, stirring gently.

5.  Pour in paper muffin Cup. Sprinkle with desiccated coconut.

6. Oven for 20 minutes until cooked to a temperature of 180 degrees celcius.

 Bolu Cup Kelapa


4 kuning telor
30 gr gula pasir halus
1 sdt emulsifer (SP/TBM)
4 putih telor
1/4 sdt garam
1/2 sdt cream of tartar
50 gr gula pasir halus
50 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
50 gr tepung ketan putih
15 gr kelapa kering instan
50 gr margarin, lelehkan
25 gr santan kental instan
1/4 sdt esens vanilla
5 gr kelapa kering instan untuk taburan

Cara membuat:

1. Kocok kuning telor, gula pasir halus dan emulsifer sampai setengah mengembang. Sisihkan.

2. Kocok putih telor, garam, dan krim of tartar sampai setengah mengembang. Tambahkan gula pasir halus sedikit-sedikit sampai mengembang.

3. Masukkan kocokkan kunig telor sambil dikocok sampai mengembang. Tambahkan tepung terigu dan tepung ketan putih sambil diayak dan diaduk perlahan. Tambahkan kelapa kering instan. Aduk rata.

4. Masukkan margarin leleh, santan dan essens vanilla sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan.

5. Tuang di cetakkan muffin yang dialas Cup kertas. Taburi dengan kelapa kering.

6. Oven selama 20 menit sampai matang dengan suhu 180 derajat celsius.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rendang Telor Bebek

 Rendang Telor Bebek


  • 10 grains duck egg, boiled, crates
  • 2 turmeric leaf
  • 5 kaffir lime leaves
  • 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
  • 2 pieces of acid
  • 1 ltr coconut milk from 2 coconuts
  • 3 large red chilies, seeded, sliced ​​and fried oblique
Smooth Spicy:

  • 100 grams curly chili
  • 20 gr red chilies
  • 10 spring onions
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 5 cm ginger
  • 1 cm turmeric
  • 2 tsp coriander
  • 5 cm galangal
  • 2 ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar


1. Fry eggs until golden and crusted.

2. Boil the coconut milk, spices, turmeric leaf, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, and tamarind kandis until thickened.

3. Add the eggs, stirring until absorbed.

4. Sprinkle the fried chili, stir well. Remove and serve.


  • 10 butir telor bebek, rebus, kerat-kerat
  • 2 lmbr daun kunyit
  • 5 lmbr daun jeruk purut
  • 2 batang serai, memarkan
  • 2 buah asam kandis
  • 1 ltr santan dari 2 butir kelapa
  • 3 buah cabai merah besar, buang bijinya, iris serong lalu goreng

  • 100 gr cabai keriting
  • 20 gr cabai merah
  • 10 siung bawang merah
  • 5 siung bawang putih
  • 5 cm jahe
  • 1 cm kunyit
  • 2 sdt ketumbar
  • 5 cm lengkuas
  • 2½ sdt garam
  • 1 sdt gula pasir
1. Goreng telor sampai kekuningan dan berkulit.
2. Rebus santan, bumbu halus, daun kunyit, daun jeruk, serai, dan asam kandis sampai mengental.
3. Tambahkan telor, aduk sampai meresap.
4. Taburkan cabai goreng, aduk rata. Angkat dan sajikan.

Chicken Rendang

 Chicken rendang


1 chicken village
500 ml coconut milk from 2 coconuts (coconut milk made ​​the rest of ± 1500 ml)
5 lime leaves
2 cm Turmeric  
2 bay leaves
3 stalks lemongrass, crushed
2 tablespoons tamarind water
Rough 200 gr grated coconut, toasted

Smooth Spices:

10 chili curly
5 red chilies
10 spring onions
5 cloves garlic
5 cm ginger
5 cm galangal
3 cm turmeric
1 tsp pepper powder
2 tbsp coriander powder
1 tablespoon salt
3 tablespoons brown sugar


1. Cut the chicken to 8 parts

2. Boil the diluted coconut milk, spices, lime leaves, turmeric leaves, lemon grass and tamarind kandis until boiling.

3. Add chicken, cook over low heat until tender and pervasive.

4. Add the coconut and coconut milk, cook while stirring until the dry.



1 ekor ayam kampong
500 ml santan dari 2 butir kelapa (sisa dibuat santan ±1500 ml)
5 lembar daun jeruk
2 lembar daun kunyit
3 batang serai, memarkan
2 sdm air asam kandis
200 gr kelapa parut kasar, sangrai

10  cabai keriting
5 cabai merah
10 siung bawang merah
5 siung bawang putih
5 cm jahe
5 cm lengkuas
3 cm kunyit
1 sdt merica bubuk
2 sdm ketumbar bubuk
1 sdm garam
3 sdm gula merah


1. Potong ayam jadi 8 bagian
2. Rebus santan encer, bumbu halus, daun jeruk, daun kunyit, serai dan asam kandis sampai mendidih.
3. Masukkan ayam, masak dengan api kecil sampai empuk dan meresap.
4. Tambahkan kelapa dan santan kental, masak terus sambil di aduk sampai kering.
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