Monday, August 15, 2011

Shrimp Soy Sauce

Shrimp Soy Sauce


  =   1000 g of shrimp (big size)
  =   2 cm turmeric
  =   1 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
  =   1 tablespoon lemon juice
  =   Oil for frying


 =    1 cm ginger, thinly sliced
 =    3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
 =    10 grains of red onion, thinly sliced
 =    4 tablespoons soy sauce
 =    2 tablespoons lime juice


     1. Clean the prawns, discarding the skin, tail and head. Wash thoroughly.

     2. Blend turmeric and salt, add lemon juice then stir in the shrimp

     3. Heat oil, fry the shrimp until it changes color. Remove and drain

     4. In another skillet, sautee ginger, garlic and onion until fragrant, add the soy sauce and lime juice. Enter the shrimp are fried. Stir until blended.

Remove and serve


Udang Kecap


    1000 g udang yang sedang besarnya
    2 cm kunyit
    1 1/2 sdt garam
    1 sdm air jeruk nipis
    Minyak untuk menggoreng


    1 cm jahe, iris halus
    3 siung bawang putih, iris halus
    10 butir bawang merah, iris halus
    4 sdm kecap manis
    2 sdm air jeruk nipis

Cara membuat:

    1. Bersihkan udang, buang kulit, ekor dan kepalanya. Cuci sampai bersih.

    2. Haluskan kunyit dan garam, tambahkan air jeruk nipis kemudian aduk bersama udang

    3. Panaskan minyak, goreng udang hingga berubah warna. Angkat dan tiriskan

    4. Dalam wajan lain, tumislah jahe, bawang putih dan bawang merah sampai harum, tambahkan kecap dan air jeruk nipis. Masukkan udang yang sudah digoreng. Aduk sampai rata. Angkat dan sajikan

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sayur Asem

  •     1 tsp. tamarind
  •     5 tbsp. warm water
  •     1 shal­lot, sliced
  •     3 cloves gar­lic, minced
  •     1 inch-long piece fresh ginger,  peeled and sliced
  •     1 red chili pep­per, seeded and sliced*
  •     3 tbsp. raw peanuts
  •     1 tsp. shrimp paste
  •     1/2 tsp. salt
  •     5 c. low-fat chicken or veg­etable broth
  •     1/2 c. salted peanuts, coarsely chopped
  •     2 tbsp. brown sugar
  •     1 chay­ote, peeled, seeded, and  sliced thin
  •     1/2 c. fresh or frozen green beans,  ends trimmed
  •     1/3c. frozen corn kernels
  •     1 green chili pep­per, sliced (optional)


1.    Pre­pare tamarind by plac­ing it in a small bowl with warm water. Let soak for 15 minutes.

2.    To make spice paste, com­bine shal­lot, gar­lic, gin­ger, red chili pep­per, raw peanuts, shrimp paste, and salt in a large mor­tar and blend well with a pes­tle. Use a food proces­sor or blender if you don’t have a mor­tar and pestle.

3.    Trans­fer paste to a medium saucepan and add chicken or veg­etable broth, salted peanuts, and brown sugar. Stir to com­bine, and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.

4.    Mean­while, use a strainer to sep­a­rate the tamarind seeds from the juice. Throw away the seeds and keep the juice.

5.    Add chay­ote, green beans, and corn to the soup, and cook over high heat for 5 minutes.

6.    Just before serv­ing, add tamarind juice and stir. Gar­nish with green chili pep­per slices if desired.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Coconut Cup Cake

Coconut Cup Cake

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 30 g sugar
  • 1 tsp emulsifer (SP / TBM)
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 / 2 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 50 g sugar
  • 50 g low protein flour
  • 50 g white glutinous rice flour
  • 15 g instant dry coconut
  • 50 g margarine, melted
  • 25 g instant coconut milk
  • 1 / 4 tsp vanilla essence
  • 5 g instant dry coconut for sprinkling

1. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and half emulsifer expands. Set aside.

2. Beat the egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until fluffy half. Add the confectioners' sugar until fluffy in small increments.

3. Mix the mixture of egg yolks with whipped egg until fluffy. Add the flour and white rice flour with sifted and stirred slowly. Add the desiccated coconut instant. stir well.

4. Enter the melted margarine, coconut milk and vanilla essens a little, stirring gently.

5. Pour in paper muffin Cup. Sprinkle with desiccated coconut.

6. Oven for 20 minutes until cooked to a temperature of 180 degrees celsius.


Cup Cake Kelapa

  • 4 kuning telor
  • 30 gr gula pasir halus
  • 1 sdt emulsifer (SP/TBM)
  • 4 putih telor
  • 1/4 sdt garam
  • 1/2 sdt cream of tartar
  • 50 gr gula pasir halus
  • 50 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
  • 50 gr tepung ketan putih
  • 15 gr kelapa kering instan
  • 50 gr margarin, lelehkan
  • 25 gr santan kental instan
  • 1/4 sdt esens vanilla
  • 5 gr kelapa kering instan untuk taburan
Cara membuat:

1. Kocok kuning telor, gula pasir halus dan emulsifer sampai setengah mengembang. Sisihkan.

2. Kocok putih telor, garam, dan krim of tartar sampai setengah mengembang. Tambahkan gula pasir halus sedikit-sedikit sampai mengembang.

3. Masukkan kocokkan kuning telor sambil dikocok sampai mengembang. Tambahkan tepung terigu dan tepung ketan putih sambil diayak dan diaduk perlahan. Tambahkan kelapa kering instan. Aduk rata.

4. Masukkan margarin leleh, santan dan essens vanilla sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan.

5. Tuang di cetakkan muffin yang dialas Cup kertas. Taburi dengan kelapa kering.

6. Oven selama 20 menit sampai matang dengan suhu 180 derajat celsius.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Chicken Pizza

Chicken Pizza

  •     1 16-ounce loaf frozen bread dough, thawed
  •     1/4 teaspoon finely shredded lemon peel
  •     1 tablespoon lemon juice
  •     1 tablespoon margarine or butter, melted
  •     3/4 pound boneless skinless chicken breast halves
  •     1/4 cup finely snipped dried tomatoes
  •     Parmesan Pizza Sauce
  •     2 fresh medium tomatoes, thinly sliced
  •     1 cup shredded Mozarella (4 ounces)


1. On a lightly floured surface, roll bread dough into a 14-inch circle. Transfer dough to a greased 13-inch pizza pan. Build up edges slightly. Prick generously with a fork. Bake in a 375 degree F oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until light brown.

2. In a small mixing bowl stir together lemon peel, lemon juice, and margarine or butter.

3. Rinse chicken breast halves; pat dry. Grill chicken directly over medium coals for 12 to 15 minutes or until chicken is tender and no longer pink, turning once halfway through grilling and brushing occasionally with lemon mixture the last 10 minutes of grilling. Cut chicken into cubes.

4. Meanwhile, pour enough boiling water over dried tomatoes to cover; let stand for 2 minutes. Drain well.

5. Spread Parmesan Pizza Sauce over hot crust. Top with chicken cubes, sliced fresh tomatoes, and dried tomatoes. Sprinkle with Mozarella.

6. Bake about 12 minutes more or until cheese melts and sauce is bubbly. 
Makes 6 servings.

Pizza Ayam


  •      1 16-ons roti adonan roti beku, dicairkan
  •      1 / 4 sdt kulit lemon parut halus
  •      1 sendok makan air jeruk lemon
  •      1 sendok makan margarin atau mentega, dicairkan
  •      3 / 4 pound daging ayam, tanpa tulang tanpa kulit
  •      1 / 4 cup tomat kering dipotong halus
  •      Saus parmesan Pizza
  •      2 tomat segar, iris tipis
  •      1 cangkir keju Mozarella (4 ons)
Cara membuat:

1. Taburi permukaan dengan tepung, roll adonan roti menjadi lingkaran 14-inch. Masukkan adonan ke panci 13-inch pizza yang sudah diminyaki. Tusuk-tusuk adonan dengan garpu. Panggang dalam oven 375 derajat F selama 20 sampai 25 menit atau sampai coklat muda.

2. Dalam mangkuk kecil aduk bersama kulit lemon, jus lemon, dan margarin atau mentega.

3. Bilas bagian dada ayam; keringkan. Grill ayam langsung di atas bara sedang selama 12 sampai 15 menit atau sampai ayam empuk dan tidak lagi merah muda, balik sekali setengah jalan memanggang dan oles sesekali dengan campuran lemon 10 menit terakhir memanggang. Potong ayam menjadi kubus.

4. Sementara itu, tuangkan air mendidih dalam tomat kering sampai tertupi semua; diamkan selama 2 menit. Tiriskan dengan baik.

5. Pizza Saus keju Parmesan lumeri selagi panas. Taburi atasnya dengan ayam, irisan tomat segar, dan tomat kering. Taburi dengan keju Mozarella.

6. Panggang sekitar 12 menit lagi atau sampai keju meleleh dan saus yang berbuih. 
Untuk 6 orang 

Saturday, July 23, 2011



  • 200 g egg noodles, pour boiling water and mix with a little oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed and sliced ​​thin
  • 250 g chicken breast, diced
  • 100 g mushroom, sliced ​​3 each
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • ½ tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 500 g chicken bone
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 cm ginger
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 stalk green onion, finely chopped
  • Meatballs to taste
  • ketchup
  • chili sauce
  • fried onions

1. Saute garlic until fragrant. Enter the chicken pieces. Stir until it changes color. Add the mushrooms, salt, pepper, soy sauce, and soy sauce. Stir well. Remove and set aside.

2. Boil chicken with ginger bones to the broth over low heat for 1 hour. Sprinkle salt and pepper.

3. Prepare a bowl. Tata noodles in it. Pour the broth. Enter stir 1-2 tablespoons of chicken, 2 pieces of meatballs, sliced ​​green onions, and sprinkle with fried shallots.  
Serve with tomato sauce and chili sauce.



  • 200 g mi telur, seduh lalu aduk dengan sedikit minyak
  • 3 siung bawang putih, memarkan lalu iris tipis
  • 250 g dada ayam, potong dadu
  • 100 g jamur merang, masing-masing dibelah 3
  • 1 sdm kecap manis
  • ½ sdm kecap asin
  • 2 sdm minyak untuk menumis
  • Garam dan merica secukupnya
  • 500 g tulang ayam
  • 1 liter air
  • 2 cm jahe
  • Garam dan merica secukupnya
  • 1 tangkai daun bawang, rajang halus
  • Bakso daging secukupnya
  • Saus tomat
  • Saus cabai
  • Bawang goreng


1. Tumis bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan potongan ayam. Aduk-aduk hingga berubah warna. Tambahkan jamur, garam,  merica, kecap asin, dan kecap manis. Aduk rata. Angkat dan sisihkan.

2. Rebus tulang ayam bersama jahe untuk kaldu di atas api kecil selama 1 jam. Bubuhi garam dan merica.

3. Siapkan mangkok. Tata mi di dalamnya. Tuangkan kaldu. Masukkan 1-2 sendok tumisan ayam, 2 buah bakso, irisan daun bawang, dan taburi bawang merah goreng. 
Sajikan bersama saus tomat dan saus cabai.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Aceh Fried Noodle

Aceh Fried Noodle
  • 5  tablespoons cooking oil
  • 7  cloves garlic, crushed, chopped
  • 10  grains of red onion, thinly sliced
  • 200  grams of meat has deep, square pieces (½ cm thick)
  • 200  g tomatoes (diced)
  • 2  tablespoons chili sauce
  • 200  g green cabbage, cut into pieces 3 cm
  • 200  gr cabbage sliced ​​thin
  • 500  g noodles field (large wet noodle)
  • 150  g bean sprouts
  • 2  leeks, thinly sliced
  • 4  stalks celery, thinly sliced
Sauce Ingredients (Mix together)
  • 125 ml of water
  • 1  teaspoon vinegar (5%)
  • 2  tablespoons fish sauce / soy sauce
  • 2  tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1  teaspoon salt

Roasted peanuts, fried chips, pickled onions and peppers, cucumber slices.

1. Heat oil in a skillet, saute garlic until fragrant, put the onion and meat, stir until meat changes color.
2. Enter the tomatoes, stir briefly, then enter the chili sauce. Stir until well blended, put mustard and cabbage, stir.
3. Pour the sauce, stir and reduce the flame. Enter the noodles, bean sprouts, green onions, and celery, stirring until all material is quite cooked, remove from heat.
4. Move-food fried noodles, sprinkle top with fried beans. Bersam Serve chips, pickles and cucumbers.


  • 5 sdm minyak goring
  • 7 siung bawang putih, memarkan, cincang
  • 10 butir bawang merah, iris halus
  • 200 gr daging has dalam, potong persegi (tebal ½ cm)
  • 200 gr tomat (potong dadu)
  • 2 sdm sambal cabai
  • 200 gr sawi hijau, potong-potong 3 cm
  • 200 gr kol iris tipis
  • 500 gr mi medan ( mi basah besar )
  • 150 gr taoge
  • 2 batang daun bawang, iris tipis
  • 4 batang seledri, iris tipis

  • 125 ml air
  • 1 sdt cuka (5%)
  • 2 sdm kecap ikan/kecap asin
  • 2 sdm kecap manis
  • 1 sdt garam

Kacang goreng, emping goreng, acar bawang dan cabai, mentimun iris.

1. Panaskan minyak dalam wajan, tumis bawang putih sampai harum, masukkan bawang merah dan daging, aduk hingga daging berubah warna.

2. Masukkan tomat, aduk-aduk sebentar, lalu masukkan sambal cabai. Aduk hingga tercampur rata, masukkan sawi dan kol, aduk.

3. Tuang saus, aduk dan kecilkan apinya. Masukkan mi, taoge, daun bawang, dan seledri, aduk hingga seluruh bahan cukup matang, angkat.

4. Pindahkan mi goreng saji, taburi atasnya dengan kacang goring. Sajikan bersam emping, acar dan mentimun.

Fried Noodle

Fried Noodle

packet dried egg noodles cooked and drained
1 leek finely sliced
3 stalks celery chopped fine
1 egg
50 ml soy sauce (depending on what not like it sweet)

Spices (make it smooth)
4 pieces red onion
3 cloves garlic
3 whole grain pecan
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
4 red chilies



1. Heat oil and sauté ground spices until fragrant and then enter the egg, stir.
2. Finally enter the leeks, celery and noodles and stir in soy sauce bubuhi little by little until blended

3. Place the noodles in the dish sprinkled with fried onions and tomatoes

Ready to serve


Bahan :

    1 bungkus mie telur kering masak lalu tiriskan

    1 batang daun bawang diiris halus

    3 batang daun seledri diiris halus

    1 butir telur

    50 ml kecap manis (tergantung suka manis apa tidak)

Bumbu halus :

4 buah bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
3 butir kemiri utuh
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam
4 buah cabai merah

Cara membuat :
1. Panaskan minyak tumis bumbu halus sampai harum lalu masukan telur aduk-aduk

2. Terakhir masukan daun bawang, seledri dan mie aduk serta bubuhi kecap manis sedikit demi sedikit sampai rata

3. Letakkan mie dalam piring taburi dengan bawang goreng dan tomat

4. Siap untuk disajikan dan disantap

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Spinach Lasagna

Spinach Lasagna

  • 2000 ml of water
  • 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 225 gr dried lasagna
  • 200 gr spinach, take the leaves, boiled, chopped
  • 100 grams grated cheddar cheese, for sprinkling
  • 50 ounces grated parmesan cheese, for sprinkling 
Meat sauce:
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
  • 100 gr onion, finely chopped
  • 500 g beef, minced
  • 500 g tomatoes, peeled, chopped
  • 170 gr tomato paste
  • 100 ml of water
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 / 2 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tsp pepper powder
  • 1 / 2 tsp sugar
Cheese sauce:
  • 75 g butter
  • 75 g flour
  • 600 ml of liquid milk
  • 150 ml of aqueous cream (single cream)
  • 125 gr grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 / 2 tsp pepper powder
  • 1 / 4 tsp nutmeg powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  1. Boil water, salt, and oil, dried lasagna enter one by one in order to keep the water boiling. Cook until the lasagna is cooked but not soft, remove and soak briefly in cold water, drain and set aside.
  2. Meat sauce: melt butter, saute garlic and onions, enter mince, stirring until it changes color. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, and water, bring to a boil, season oregano, basil, salt, pepper, and sugar. Cook until thick, remove and set aside.
  3. Cheese sauce: melt the butter, put flour, stirring until blended. Pour the milk and cream dilute, mix well, season cheese, pepper, nutmeg, and salt, stir well, cook until thick, lift, then set aside.
  4. Completion: heat resistant basting dish with butter the size of 18x28x6 cm, set in a dish of boiled lasagna sheets to cover the dish, place 1 / 3 parts of boiled spinach on top of lasagna, pour 1 / 3 of meat sauce and 1 / 3 of cheese sauce, do same for the rest of the ingredients. Sprinkle cheddar cheese and parmesan cheese on top until blended.
  5. Bake in hot oven 180 degrees Celsius temperature until ripe. Remove, cut into wedges and serve while warm.
Serves 6


Lasagna Bayam

  • 2000 ml air
  • 1/2 sdt garam
  • 1 sdt minyak sayur
  • 225 gr lasagna kering
  • 200 gr bayam, ambil daunnya, rebus, potong-potong
  • 100 gr keju cheddar parut, untuk taburan
  • 50 gr keju parmesan parut, untuk taburan
Saus daging:
  • 2 sdm mentega
  • 1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
  • 100 gr bawang bombai, cincang halus
  • 500 gr daging sapi,cincang
  • 500 gr tomat, kupas, cincang
  • 170 gr tomat pasta
  • 100 ml air
  • 1 sdt oregano kering
  • 1/2 sdt basil kering
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 1 sdt lada bubuk
  • 1/2 sdt gula pasir
 Saus keju:
  • 75 gr mentega
  • 75 gr tepung terigu
  • 600 ml susu cair
  • 150 ml krim encer (single cream)
  • 125 gr keju cheddar parut
  • 1/2 sdt lada bubuk
  • 1/4 sdt pala bubuk
  • 1 sdt garam
Cara membuat:
  1. Didihkan air, garam, dan minyak, masukkan lasagna kering satu per satu agar air tetap mendidih. Masak hingga lasagna matang tetapi tidak lunak, angkat, rendam sebentar dengan air dingin, tiriskan, lalu sisihkan.
  2. Saus daging: lelehkan mentega, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombai, masukkan daging cincang, aduk hingga berubah warna. Tambahkan tomat, tomat pasta, dan air, didihkan, bubuhi oregano, basil, garam, lada, dan gula pasir. Masak hingga kental, angkat, sisihkan.
  3. Saus keju: lelehkan mentega, masukkan tepung terigu, aduk hingga rata. Tuangi susu dan krim encer, aduk rata, bubuhi keju, lada, pala, dan garam, aduk rata, masak hingga kental, angkat, lalu sisihkan.
  4. Penyelesaian: olesi pinggan tahan panas ukuran 18x28x6 cm dengan mentega, atur lembaran lasagna rebus dalam pinggan hingga menutupi dasar pinggan, letakkan 1/3 bagian bayam rebus di atas lasagna, tuang 1/3 bagian saus daging dan 1/3 bagian saus keju, lakukan sama untuk sisa bahan. Taburi keju cheddar dan keju parmesan di atasnya hingga rata.
  5. Panggang dalam oven panas bersuhu 180 derajat Celsius hingga matang. Angkat, potong-potong, sajikan selagi hangat.
Untuk 6 porsi

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Martabak Manis


  • 250 grams of flour, high protein
  • 50 grams sugar
  • 300 ml of water
  • 3 eggs eggs
  • 40 grams sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ tsp instant yeast
  • ¾ teaspoon baking soda
  • 25 g margarine / rombutter, thawed
  • 100 gr chocolate meyses.
  • 100 g roasted peanuts, roughly crushed
  • Sweetened condensed milk to taste
  • Grated cheese to taste
1. Combine flour, baking powder, sugar and salt, stir well.

2. Pour some water a little sambila mix evenly.

3. Pour the remaining water a little while in stir for 30 minutes.

4. Add the instant yeast, mix well. Let stand 30 minutes dive.

5. Beaten egg, add sugar, stir well. Pour in batter and stir well.

6. Enter liquid margarine, stir well.

7. Before entering the dough in the mold insert baking soda, stir briefly and quickly stir, pour in the mold martabak manis or Teflon pan.

8. Once the dough is cooked, remove and spread with butter / rombutter, sprinkle meses, peanuts, and shredded cheese, the last pour sweetened condensed milk, fold. Brush again with butter / rombutter. Cut into pieces. Serve warm.

Tip: For filling you can change with jam or whatever you like.



250 gr tepung terigu, protein sedang
50 gr gula pasir
300 ml air
3 butir telor
40 gr gula pasir
¼ sdt baking powder
¼ sdt garam
½ sdt ragi instant
¾ sdt soda kue
25 gr margarin/rombutter, cairkan

100 gr meses coklat.
100 gr kacang tanah sangrai, tumbuk kasar
Susu kental manis secukupnya
Keju parut secukupnya

1. Campur terigu, baking powder, gula pasir dan garam, aduk rata.
2. Tuang sebagian air sedikit-sedikit sambila diaduk rata.
3. Tuang sisa air sedikit-sedikit sambil di keplok-keplok selama 30 menit.
4. Tambahkan ragi instant, aduk rata. Diamkan selam 30 menit.
5. Kocok lepas telor, tambahkan gula pasir, aduk rata. Tuang dalam adonan dan aduk rata.
6. Masukkan margarine cair, aduk rata.
7. Sebelum memasukkan adonan dalam cetakan masukkan soda kue, aduk cepat sambila dikeplok sebentar dan cetak dalam     cetakan martabak manis, atau wajan Teflon.
8. Setelah adonan matang, angkat, olesi dengan mentega/ rombutter, taburi meses, kacang tanah, dan keju parut, terakhir tuang     susu kental manis, lipat. Olesi lagi dengan mentega/rombutter. Potong-potong. Sajikan hangat-hangat.

Tip: untuk isi bisa diaganti dengan selai atau yang anda suka.
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