2 fresh ripe mangoes ( @ 425 gr )
2 tbsps custard powder
2 tbsps sugar
150 ml milk
1 tsp ground cardamom or ground mixed spice
150 ml double cream
2 tbsps shelled unsalted pistachio nuts, lightly crushed
1. Drain one tin of the mango slices and puree them in an electric liquidizer or food processor. Now drain the other can and coarsely chop the mango slices. Peel, slice and chop fresh mangoes.
2. Mix custard powder and sugar together, gradually add the milk and blend well. Cook over low heat until the consistency resembles whipped cream.
3. Stir in the ground cardamom or mixed spice and remove from heat.
4. Gradually add the mango pulp to the custard mix, stirring all the time.
5. Wisk the cream until fairly thick, but still pouring consistency. If you buy extra thick double cream, there is no need to whisk it.
6. Stir the cream into the mango mixture and gently mix in the chopped mangoes.
7. Transfer the mango mixture into a serving bowl and top with the crushed pistachio nuts. Serve Hot or Cold.
Mango Delight
Serves : 4-6
Mango Delight
Porsi: 4-6
2 mangga matang yang segar (@ 425 gr)
2 tbsps bubuk custard
2 tbsps gula
150 ml susu
1 sdt kapulaga bubuk
150 ml krim ganda
2 tbsps kacang pistachio tawar, di kupas, hancurkan
Porsi: 4-6
2 mangga matang yang segar (@ 425 gr)
2 tbsps bubuk custard
2 tbsps gula
150 ml susu
1 sdt kapulaga bubuk
150 ml krim ganda
2 tbsps kacang pistachio tawar, di kupas, hancurkan
Cara membuat:
1. Tiriskan salah satu kaleng irisan mangga dan haluskan dengan food processor. Kupas, iris dan cincang mangga.
1. Tiriskan salah satu kaleng irisan mangga dan haluskan dengan food processor. Kupas, iris dan cincang mangga.
2. Campur bubuk custard dan gula bersama-sama, secara bertahap tambahkan susu dan berbaur dengan baik. Masak dengan api kecil sampai konsistensi menyerupai krim kocok.
3. Aduk kapulaga bubuk, angkat dari api.
4. Secara bertahap menambahkan pulp mangga campuran custard, aduk sepanjang waktu.
5. Wisk krim sampai cukup tebal, tapi masih menuangkan konsistensi. Jika Anda membeli krim ganda ekstra tebal, tidak perlu mengocok itu.
6. Aduk krim ke dalam campuran mangga dan campur mangga yang sudah di cincang.
7. Transfer campuran mangga ke dalam mangkuk dan taburi dengan kacang pistachio hancur.
Sajikan Panas atau Dingin.