Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Roti Maryam

 Roti Maryam


500 g high protein flour
200 ml of water
2 eggs
125 gr butter / margarine
salt to taste


1. Whisk the eggs, put the flour. Pour a little water, knead dough until dull. Trimmed dough until thin and then spread it with butter. Roll up and dense it..

2. Cut the dough along the 6 cm, store in refrigerator for ± 15 minutes. Remove from the refrigerator.

3. Flatten dough with a thickness of ½ cm or according to taste.

4. Bake bread on non-stick skillet until cooked, remove from heat.

5. serve warm as an accompaniment curry or goulash.

Maryam-layered texture of thin because it contains fat / margarine / butter in the middle of the bread.
Maryam-Enjoy while warm otherwise the fat is not left in the bread when you enjoy it.


500 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
200 ml air
2 butir telor ayam
125 gr mentega/margarine
Garam secukupnya

1. Kocok telor, masukkan terigu. Tuang air sedikit demi sedikit, uleni adonan hingga kalis. Tipiskan adonan sampai tipis lalu olesi     atasnya dengan mentega. Gulung dan padatkan.
2. Potong adonan sepanjang 6 cm, simpan dalam lemari es selama ±15 menit. Keluarkan dari lemari es.
3. Pipihkan adonan dengan ketebalan ½ cm atau menurut selera.
4. Panggang roti diatas wajan anti lengket hingga matang, angkat.
5. sajikan hangat sebagai pendamping kare atau gule.

-Tekstur roti maryam berlapis tipis karena mengandung lemak/margarine/mentega di tengah roti.
-Nikmati roti maryam selagi hangat agar rasa lemaknya tidak tertinggal dalam roti saat kita menikmatinya.

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