Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chicken Puff

Chicken Puff


800 g puff pastry, ready-made
     1 whole egg, to spread

For contents:
150 g chicken fillets, chopped
    ½ teaspoon salt
     1 tablespoon margarine
     3 tablespoons onions, chopped
   75 g button mushrooms, canned, chopped
     2 tablespoons roughly chopped bell pepper
   15 gr flour
150 ml of liquid milk
    ½ slice chicken-flavored broth block, puree
     1 egg yolk, beaten


1. SKIN: Preheat oven to 180 º C. Sprinkle a flat baking sheet with water. Prepare 2 pieces 6 cm diameter circular molds & 4 cm.

2. Place the puff pastry dough on a table sprinkled with flour, roll as thick as 3 mm. Print the entire dough to mold 6 cm. put half on a baking sheet. Brush the edges with beaten egg.

3. Make a hole with a mold of 4 cm, above the rest of the dough that has been printed 6cm. The following  lift the mold and thebatter, put batter  without holes that exist on a baking sheet. Press the dough until the dough out and accumulate above the bowl-shaped hole so without. Brush top with beaten egg until blended.

4. Oven for 20 minutes until pastry puffed and lightly browned, remove from heat. Remove and set aside to cool.

5. CONTENTS: Marinate the chopped chicken with salt and set aside briefly. Heat margarine and saute onion until fragrant, put the chicken, stirring until it changes color. Enter the mushrooms and peppers, saute until wilted, put the flour, pour the milk and stir with a broth enter the block. Cook, in stir until boiling and thickened. Lower the flame, put whipped egg and stir well. Lift.

6. Enter the contents into a bowl dough puff pastry until full. Decorate top with chopped petersely.

Chicken Puff

800 gr puff pastry, siap pakai
    1 butir telor, untuk olesan

Bahan Isi:
150 gr fillet ayam, cincang
   ½ sdt garam
    1 sdm margarine
    3 sdm bawang bombay, cincang
  75 gr jamur kancing, kalengan, cincang
    2 sdm paprika cincang kasar
  15 gr tepung terigu
150 ml susu cair
   ½ potong kaldu blok rasa ayam, haluskan
    1 kuning telor, kocok lepas

1. KULIT : Panaskan oven pada suhu 180ºC. Perciki loyang datar dengan air. Siapkan 2 buah cetakan bundar diameter 6 cm & 4 cm.

2. Taruh adonan puff pastry diatas meja bertabur tepung, gilas setebal 3 mm. Cetak seluruh adonan dengan cetakan 6 cm. taruh     separuhnya diatas loyang. Olesi pinggirannya dengan telor kocok.

3. Buatlah lubang dengan cetakan 4 cm, diatas sisa adonan yang sudah tercetak 6cm. angkat cetakan berikut adonannya, taruhdiatas adonan tanpa lubang yang ada diatas loyang. Tekan adonan hingga lepas dan menumpuk diatas adonan tanpa lubang sehingga   berbentuk mangkok. Olesi atasnya dengan telor kocok hingga rata.

4. Oven selama 20 menit hingga kue mengembang dan berwarna kecoklatan, angkat. Keluarkan, sisihkan hingga dingin.

5. ISI : Lumuri ayam cincang dengan garam, sisihkan sebentar. Panaskan margarine, tumis bawang bombay sampai harum, masukkan ayam, aduk hingga berubah warna. Masukkan jamur dan paprika, tumis hingga layu, masukkan tepung, aduk sambil tuangi susu dan masukkan kaldu blok. Masak sambil di aduk-aduk sampai mendidih dan mengental. Kecilkan apinya, masukkan  telor kocok, aduk rata. Angkat.

6. Masukkan adonan isi kedalam mangkok puff pastry hingga penuh. Hias atasnya dengan petersely cincang.

1 comment:

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